The process of inspecting and evaluating factory warehouses – finished product warehouses – certification of eligibility for structural load-bearing safety 2021

Auditing and evaluating the factory’s production warehouse – finished product warehouse – factory inspection – factory warehouse inspection and factory assessment audit 2021

Inspection and evaluation of production warehouses – quality control of finished products warehouses – safety inspection of warehouse structures: to assess the level of bearing capacity of the structure, serving the factory audit, factory audit audit, factory capacity assessment assessment, is an important factor to consider becoming a supplier, providing services for import and export of garment goods – furniture factory – leather shoe factory, bag factory – packaging factory – finished product processing factory.

Tong the kho hang kiem dinh cong trinh

Photo: Overall warehouse of garment factory United Sweethearts – Nhon Trach Industrial Park – DongNai

The process of auditing and evaluating factory warehouses – factory audits – inspecting the quality of factory warehouse works: Warehouse and workshop are works that need to be evaluated for structural safety quality to ensure safety of structural bearing capacity for production activities, people working, property safety and important criteria to certify eligibility for structural safety for factory audits, factory audits, and factory capacity audits.

The process of inspecting the quality of works in service of structural safety of warehouses and factories to certify eligibility for structural safety of works is carried out in the following cases:

  1. Periodic inspection every 03-05 years according to the requirements of construction safety regulations and maintenance of warehouses and factories in production operation/
  2. When detecting that the warehouse works, the parts of the warehouse works are damaged or have signs of danger, which is not guaranteed for the exploitation and use of the warehouse/
  3. When determining the quality of the current state of warehouses and workshops, serving to upgrade, repair, convert the use functions of warehouses and factories or establish maintenance procedures for warehouses and factories/
  4. When there are requirements for factory audit, factory audit, factory capacity assessment/

 “Pursuant to Decree 06/2021/ND-CP dated January 26, 2021 detailing a number of contents on construction work quality management, work construction and construction maintenance.’’

Quy trình kiểm định đánh giá kho hàng nhà xưởng sản xuất – kho thành phẩm – chứng nhận đủ điều kiện an toàn chịu lực kết cấu 2021

Photo: Overall warehouse of garment factory United Sweethearts – Nhon Trach Industrial Park – DongNai

Quality inspection of warehouses of garment factories – leather and footwear production – bag production – processed finished products: helping the factory to ensure compliance with the legal basis of construction standards, technical standards of shelf frame structure, standards of loading and unloading loads, and safety design standards for factories, Quality standards of factory works as a basis for certifying eligibility for safe production activities for customers who need to assess the capacity of factories and warehouses.

Vietsum Construction Consultancy and Quality Control Joint Stock Company (VCQC)  provides construction inspection services for status inspection, analysis of construction status, level of structural safety, assessment of workshops, assessment of bearing capacity of warehouses and factories, the factory structure audit serves as the legal basis for certification of the safety conditions for structural load-bearing of the factory and the warehouse of goods, finished products, and the factory’s storage.





Quy trình kiểm định đánh giá kho hàng nhà xưởng sản xuất – kho thành phẩm – chứng nhận đủ điều kiện an toàn chịu lực kết cấu 2021

Photo: Overview of the inside of the warehouse at the United Sweethearts Factory

Quy trình kiểm định đánh giá kho hàng nhà xưởng sản xuất – kho thành phẩm – chứng nhận đủ điều kiện an toàn chịu lực kết cấu 2021

Photo: Overview of the inside of the warehouse at the United Sweethearts Factory

Quy trình kiểm định đánh giá kho hàng nhà xưởng sản xuất – kho thành phẩm – chứng nhận đủ điều kiện an toàn chịu lực kết cấu 2021

Photo: Structure of warehouse shelf frame at United Sweethearts Factory

Quy trình kiểm định đánh giá kho hàng nhà xưởng sản xuất – kho thành phẩm – chứng nhận đủ điều kiện an toàn chịu lực kết cấu 2021

Photo: Check the amount of steel in the concrete column (by non-destructive ultrasonic method of the column)

Quy trình kiểm định đánh giá kho hàng nhà xưởng sản xuất – kho thành phẩm – chứng nhận đủ điều kiện an toàn chịu lực kết cấu 2021

Photo: Test the strength and stiffness of concrete columns (by bouncing test method)

Quy trình kiểm định đánh giá kho hàng nhà xưởng sản xuất – kho thành phẩm – chứng nhận đủ điều kiện an toàn chịu lực kết cấu 2021

Photo: Check the diameter of the warehouse floor steel (by ultrasonic method)

Quy trình kiểm định đánh giá kho hàng nhà xưởng sản xuất – kho thành phẩm – chứng nhận đủ điều kiện an toàn chịu lực kết cấu 2021

Photo: Check the warehouse’s mezzanine floor steel beam size

Quy trình kiểm định đánh giá kho hàng nhà xưởng sản xuất – kho thành phẩm – chứng nhận đủ điều kiện an toàn chịu lực kết cấu 2021

Photo: Check the thickness of the floor mats at the warehouse

Quy trình kiểm định đánh giá kho hàng nhà xưởng sản xuất – kho thành phẩm – chứng nhận đủ điều kiện an toàn chịu lực kết cấu 2021

Photo: Check the warehouse structure frame model

Quy trình kiểm định đánh giá kho hàng nhà xưởng sản xuất – kho thành phẩm – chứng nhận đủ điều kiện an toàn chịu lực kết cấu 2021

Photo: Image of checking frame shear force and warehouse frame longitudinal force

Quy trình kiểm định đánh giá kho hàng nhà xưởng sản xuất – kho thành phẩm – chứng nhận đủ điều kiện an toàn chịu lực kết cấu 2021

Photo: Pictures of warehouse frame torque check

Quy trình kiểm định đánh giá kho hàng nhà xưởng sản xuất – kho thành phẩm – chứng nhận đủ điều kiện an toàn chịu lực kết cấu 2021

Photo: Image of checking the moment of warehouse mezzanine floor frame

When your project has signs that need to be inspected, assessed the quality of the work, assessed the factory, assessed the bearing capacity of the warehouse, the factory, factory structure audit as a legal basis for certification of eligibility for structural safety, please contact us Vietsum Construction Consultancy and Quality Control Joint Stock Company (VCQC) to get the quality inspection of the work and advice on the inspection outline so that your project is safe for production and operation.


Hotline: 090 959 8771 – Mr Nam

– “Vietsum successfully accompanies customers’ workshop” –

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