The factory for rent

PROJECT: THE FACTORY FOR RENT Test Items: 65M x 75M (1 floor + roof) Inspection purpose: Audit structure, serve the work of bearing safety certification for the project, verifying and assessing the safety ability of the structure to bear the load.

Warehouses of goods

PROJECT: WAREHOUSES OF GOODS Test Items: 45M x 100M (1 floor + roof) Inspection purpose: Audit structure, link bolts for loading and unloading on the shelf, verifying and assessing the safety ability of the structure to bear the load.

Factory manufacturing other products from paper and cover

PROJECT: FACTORY MANUFACTURING OTHER PRODUCTS FROM PAPER AND COVER Test Items: 40M x 45M (1 floor + roof) Inspection purpose: check the roof thickness, structural purlins, serving of additional load on the roof and roof maintenance, verifying and assessing the safety ability of the structure to bear the load.

Factory manufacturing products from plastic

PROJECT: FACTORY MANUFACTURING PRODUCTS FROM PLASTIC Test Items: 40M x 90M (1 floor + roof) Inspection purpose: check ground strength for converting additional functions and equipment for the project, verifying and assessing the safety ability of the structure to bear the load.

Factory manufacturing and processing finished leather

PROJECT: FACTORY MANUFACTURING AND PROCESSING FINISHED LEATHER Test Items: 60M x 100M (2 floor + roof) Inspection purpose: inspect the structure serving to raise the mezzanine floor for the work; inspecting the structural frame, assessing the load-bearing safety, granting the construction safety certificate

Factory of feeds

PROJECT: FACTORY OF FEEDS Test Items: 80M x 95M (1 floor and roof) Purposes inspection: inspecting the structure for the maintenance of the works; inspecting the structural frame, assessing the load-bearing safety, granting the construction safety certificate